The Senseless Slaughter of Civilians

A civilian massacre

Mark M. Morgan
2 min readOct 18, 2022
Photo by Nick Tsybenko on Unsplash

According to 60 Minutes, Bucha, Ukraine was a Kyiv suburb of 37,000 with big box stores and apartments blocks. The people there suffered for over 27 days back in March. Over 450 people were killed.

The Russians simply left the bodies where they fell.

86 of the bodies were women. 9 were children.

Some had their hands tied and were tortured and executed. Many were simply shot walking down the street or riding their bikes.

One lady said, “These aren’t humans, could humans really do this? Just come in and kill people, a person just walking down the street? How? I don’t know. This is a terrible war.”

Her husband of nearly 50 years had been shot while walking down the street near a store he frequently shopped. His body laid on the street for over a week before it was put into a mass grave.

The Ukrainians had to negotiate with the Russian soldiers to gather the bodies and bury them.

One man lost his whole family while trying to flee from the shelling. He, his wife and two sons were in the car when they came upon a Russian armored vehicle. His wife yelled for him to make a u-turn, then he said he heard shots. His wife yelled that she was hit and he looked back and both of his…

